Table Made of Books

PROBLEM: I have sorted and purged my book collection but I still don’t have enough shelf space. SOLUTION: Robot Supply & Repair / 826 Michigan has a great idea … They have displayed their robot lamps on tables made of books. What a wonderful way to make use of books! Read more…

Thanks Van Boven

PROBLEM: What do I do with all the shoes I never wear? SOLUTION: Van Boven is shoe drop off location for Soles4Souls which “collects new shoes to give relief to the victims of abject suffering and collects used shoes to support micro-business efforts to eradicate poverty.” Now you have Read more…

Toiletry Zones

PROBLEM: I have a small bathroom and lots of toiletries. They end up all over the house. I can never seem to quickly find what I’m looking for. SOLUTION: By usage and location place your toiletries in Zones. Zone A is highest usage (everyday) which gets best location (easy to Read more…

Want Less Mail

PROBLEM: I get so much mail. It takes too much time to process. SOLUTION: This site allows you to stop your junk mail before it reaches your door. HINT: If you prefer to register by mail go to the “get started” link.

A Mail Mess

PROBLEM: The mail ends up all over the house. Someone brings it in, sets it down, things are placed on top of it, the pile gets moved, and I spend too much time looking for the bills. SOLUTION: Have a home for the mail. It’s great to use a container Read more…

Painted Cardboard Boxes

PROBLEM: For me, uniformity brings order but I don’t want to go out and buy a lot of matching bins. Also, my cardboard boxes are all different and they don’t look like a purposeful set. SOLUTION: The solution comes from Babo Market in downtown Ann Arbor. As you can Read more…